Friday, July 15, 2011

Smoothies with the Doctor

It's mid-July. It's hot, and I live very close to an ice cream stand. How close? Too close.

The oh-so scenic view from my back stoop. See that garish hot pink awning in the distance? That's the ice cream stand. In order to curb the ever present cravings for cold sweet treats, I've turned to smoothies.

Today I've opted for strawberry, blackberry and peach - a nice pink smoothie, in honor of that taunting pink awning I see every time I go in or out of the house... evil thing. Helping us battle this evil today is the one and only Doctor! (Tom Baker variety.) Let's go!

Basic Smoothie (makes 2)

1 cup Greek yogurt
2 cups frozen fruit
1 cup apple juice

First step, gather your stuff!

ta da!

We've got our yogurt (the Doctor and I went with honey flavored today), apple juice, fruits and blender is ready to rock.

yummy fruits...

Then dump it all in your handy blender. I've got this kitchen aid one. Great blender, but super strong. A wee bit too strong perhaps. The first setting seems to take care of every job, and it uses so much power the lights dim significantly. Certainly not a complaint (I'd rather too much power from my blender than not enough), but really. Who needs a blender that strong?

Going for a ride!

Blend it up, pour it out and drink it down!

Oh, hey, John Pertwee! Sure, you can join us. The recipe makes enough for two.

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